Come visit our Adoration Chapel.
Our Chapel Hours: 7:30am to 7:30 pm each day.
Our chapel is located adjacent to Sacred Heart rectory. Our goal is to have "two adorers" for each hour. To volunteer for Adoration, please click here for more information.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed each Monday at 3PM in our Little Flower Adoration Chapel.
Catholics believe that during the Mass which we attend each week (for some of us daily), the priest (during the consecration) speaks these words as he holds the communion host, "...He took bread and gave you thanks. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said: Take this all of you, and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you". When the priest says "this my body," it is at that instant when, through the miracle of transubstantiation, the bread and wine which we offer as the bloodless sacrifice to our Lord truly become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus. It is His true Presence in the form of bread and wine. It is Christ.
Perpetual Adoration is when the priest takes a consecrated host, such as the one described above, and places it in a monstrance. (monstrance comes from the Latin "monstrare" to show, to expose to view.) The monstrance is then placed in front of the tabernacle (an ornate box which holds the monstrance and any consecrated hosts) or on the altar of the church or chapel for adoration.
What do you actually do during adoration?
You may sign up to be an "adorer" which allows you to schedule yourself for one or more hours per week to pray before the very presence of Our Lord, exposed in the monstrance. It means that you can have some time alone with Jesus to recite your favorite prayers, read the Bible, contemplate acts of faith, hope, charity, thanksgiving, reparation, pray a rosary or do whatever type of prayerful devotion that suits you before Our Lord. You can just sit and say nothing simply keeping Him company, just as you would with a dear friend.