I encourage everyone to take seriously the opportunity of the Holy Hour; especially during the Eucharistic Revival in
our country. Please consider in your heart to privately spend Holy Hour in our beautiful Chapel. My wish is that our parishioners and community will sign up to make sure that every hour, the Eucharistic Jesus will be praised.
If you have never been to a Holy Hour, come with a friend and follow along! It will all be familiar to you and I encourage you to experience it.
Our Adoration Chapel is located across the parking lot, next to the Rectory and is open from 7:30am - 7:30pm daily.
There are many ways to pray a Holy Hour! You might read Scripture, listen to worship music, journal, or you might simply sit and talk with God, Or you can pray with a combination of all the above.
Below we’ve written out a guide for one way to use the Hour wisely.
Get comfortable and begin your prayer. Begin with some deep breathing to settle our hearts and minds. Pray a short prayer here to collect ourselves with, such as “Come, Holy Spirit,” a Psalm, or the Lord’s Prayer.
Next, spend ten minutes simply adoring God. If you’re praying before the Blessed Sacrament, gaze at Jesus and let Him gaze back at you. Rest in wonder at who God is and how He invites you to know Him.
Spend a few minutes asking the Holy Spirit to reveal where you have fallen short and where you might need to ask for God’s mercy. Resolve to go to Confession as soon as you’re able.
This is the core of the Holy Hour – time spent in contemplation of God. In this part of your prayer, you can sit in silence. Other ways or prayer you’ll find people doing are meditating on the Rosary, praying with Scripture through Lectio Divina, the Stations of the Cross, or even meditating on the questions Jesus asks throughout the Gospels.
Spend some time thanking God for the gifts in your life. This might be something big, such as a new friendship or job, or it might be something small, like your coffee in the morning or the nice walk you took yesterday afternoon.
Turn to God with the cares and concerns of your heart, those close to you, and all the needs of people throughout the world. Entrust everything to God.
We keep these last few minutes open for you to say any last things to God and make a resolution that came out of your prayer: how is God calling you to act, think, change, pray? What can you take away from this time spent with Him? Then close your time in prayer with an Our Father or any prayer that is on your heart.
Among the beautiful ways to honor the Sacred Heart is making a Eucharistic Holy Hour, attending a formal Adoration, or just stopping by a quiet church to make a prayerful visit before the Tabernacle.
But there’s another kind of Holy Hour inspired by the Sacred Heart revelations that these days is largely forgotten … and it can bear beautiful fruit.
Imagine if you could take some of that peace you experience in the Adoration Chapel home with you. Well, you can!